We are a network of Filipinas from around the world living and working in Siargao with an adventurous entrepreneurial spirit. We are creatives, freelancers, business owners, designers, artists, marketing professionals, yoga instructors, hospitality managers, event planners and surfers with a desire to create a purpose-led and values-driven lifestyle. We want to share our knowledge, talent, resources and positive energy with equally open and like-minded women from all walks of life.

Strong backs, soft fronts, wild hearts. The Cheeky Titas brand is created by women, for women (and for allies of women a.k.a. Cheeky Titos). We want our logo to represent the fierceness, resilience and badassery of being a WOMAN in this world. We want our events to set their soul on fire and instill the joy, courage and confidence they need to continue on their own personal
journey of growth and wholeness, so they in turn can make a deeper
We want to bring our creative ideas and concepts to life through unique experiences and one-of-a-kind events. We want to highlight the creativity on this island, that may seem non-existent here. We want to build a thriving culture of adventurous creators — artists, producers, photographers, musicians, theatre lovers, writers and designers — to have a space and outlet for them to shine. The content we produce from our website and social channels will also showcase that creative, fun and ambitious spirit.
Community and Connection
Through our events, we want women to connect with others and get inspired and empowered.
We want to collaborate with like-minded partners (including resorts, organizations and other
brands) as well as individuals, on and off the island, that align with our vision and energy.
Ultimately, we want our work, projects and events within the Cheeky Titas brand to connect
with the people who live here, who have lived here or have visited, while giving back to local
causes to help build and strengthen the community of Siargao and beyond.
Authenticity and Balance
Cheeky Titas is all about REALNESS. No B.S. zone. Radical self-acceptance. We want women to
embrace their complete and unique selves and allow all the good stuff to radiate in and out of
them. That includes all aspects of self, from our wild, fun party side to our deep, self-reflective
and spiritual side. Our events and experiences will aim to bring that all out of them.
The Cheeky Titas brand is founded on inclusivity, humility and compassion. We are blazingly
confident yet humble — open, vulnerable and willing to communicate ALL of our feels , listen
and share our stories and offer support and healing in any way we can.